The Truth That Heals The 

Regain control over your mind, will, and emotion

Welcome to my blog


Life is beautiful yet my soul was restless. I struggled to attain peace because I relied on self. In as much as how driven, confident, and goal oriented I was, I felt devalued with a diminished sense of worth. Alone, anxious, fear of not belonging, of failure and a disappointment. But, here comes the good news.

Hope found in Christ, the light of my life. Gifted with an inner peace that transcends all understanding. To live fully & freely in his abundance. Accessible to all through a relationship with Jesus, who I love to call my “Broad Assure”, the Son of God. I’m sharing my journey on how to live free! This is an encouragement platform for anyone (believers or unbelievers). A Journey on transforming and aligning our mind to that of Christ, who has the best for us! A beautiful life uniquely tailored for your joy!


About me  

Hi, i’m Jane, the writer of this personal blog. I am often playful and silly. I live in Los Angeles, but originally from Nigeria. Moved alone to the States in 2010, leaving my family behind and all I ever knew to embark on a journey, one I would repeat in a heartbeat. By the way, If you’ve never tried a Nigerian dish, I have some recommendations. I promise, you won’t be disappointed. I’m a nurse practitioner by profession.  I love fitness, why? Because, the gym is a beautiful place. I also like sports, dancing, dining, and people watching. What I would love to learn though is how to swim. Check back with me on that… haha 

JUN’s Gallery

Few pictures of myself 🙂 



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