Journey Life in Happiness

Journey Life in Happiness

Hello everyone! Old and new friends, welcome to my blog! My name is Jane and I currently live in Los Angeles. Wherever you are in the world, thanks for joining. I am excited to start this journey, but very much excited to share it with you. A journey on how to maintain a positive mindset amidst the uncertainties in life. In other words, journey on living life in happiness.

Here I am 😊

living life with joy and happiness

Before I begin, here are some few details about me. I was born in Nigeria. The last child from a family of eight siblings. Certainly, I learned a lot growing up from a large family. I mean “a whole lot” 😉 haha. But, all experience was pivotal to my growth. Journey from my place of birth Sokoto State to thousands of miles across the northern hemisphere. I was shocked by the cultural difference but very much intrigued. Check out more facts on the home page.

Why I blog

As previously mentioned, the focus of my blog is hope. A space to be of an encouragement. Sharing my journey of struggles, failures, growth, and success. The cultural, religious, and dogmatic belief systems that influenced my life. My limited view of the world. Limited in knowledge as opposed to nature at large. How I struggled living on my terms. Most importantly, how the word of truth yields peace that unites my mind, body, and soul.

Truth that continues to be a source of light in my life. Knowledge is power, but the information we are exposed to shapes our mindset. I am up for growth. However, growth based on worldly facts has proven to be a rocky foundation. Although I believed in God, I was detached from the true meaning of life. Relationship with God. Who, is the source of wisdom. Wisdom is power to all who seeks it righteously. And, the ability to discern comes from knowing the truth and the truth indeed sets you free. As I live in His presence, I write with the voice of thanksgiving. Proclaiming of His wondrous works. The truth that sharpens my mind and soul. How I journey life in happiness. In other words, in control of my mind.

Living in Hope

As you join in, please have in mind that I am sharing my journey on the truth I live by. Not my truth, but the word of God which is powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the very core of our soul, which discerns the true thoughts of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Everyday we are challenged by invisible forces that schemes to steal our happiness. However, we can live free each day solemnly on the words that fuel our hearts. This blog is for anyone who needs peace. Some days are really tough, but if we lean on the creator of life there is hope. So, get a cup of coffee or tea as we journey together 😊