How to Know your Inmost Beauty

How to Know your Inmost Beauty

Over so many years of my life, I lived in the shadow of my shortcomings. Because my view was of the world. A falsehood about life that fits into the secular. I learned that life was what you make of it. Keep your head up high to avoid the bottom by all means. A quick tip on how to be in control of my destiny. So, I worked hard relying on my strength to get me through. A life of self, pride, and arrogance. Coupled with the hidden fear of failure, of not belonging, and self-doubt. Which worsened as I adapted to my environment and culture. A facade that marks private despair. Making it hard to live in peace and to know my inmost beauty. The unique identity within us. Marked with beauty and splendor.

knowing your inmost beauty

The Inner Man

One thing I realized was the more I looked unto the world, the more lost I became. Ignorant of the truth of life. So to speak, the truth that makes man unique and special above other creatures. Genesis 1:26 highlights the essence of our inner beauty. “Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. So that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animal, and over all creatures that move along the ground”. In the past, my understanding of this verse was sorely on the image of man and less of the nature of God.

But in the book of John 4:24, Jesus says “God is Spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth”. Note that the likeness of God is his Spirit. In addition, the Son being the image of the invisible God gives us great insight on how to gain understanding of our inmost being. By following the way of Jesus, the true Son of God. Imaging him in righteousness and holiness. Only then are we able to know the perfect will of God in our lives. You are special and was created to live life in full. The Spirit is a gift to all. However, if a person resists the Holy Spirit they deny themselves of a relationship with God. Thus, denying the inmost part of themselves. Since, it’s the Spirit that sheds light on our inmost being.

Hope in Love

Also, when all hope seemed lost in this fallen world God made a way to reconnect man to himself. Through Jesus. The only true way. To get a better understanding John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth”. That which is Holy and pure became flesh for love of mankind. In humility, he became less for you and I. A person only saves what is valuable and worthy. We are in the image of God. So, by grace we received the free gift of life. God loves and cares for man but hates sin. Anyone who says otherwise does not speak truth. Do not conform to the world rather seek the truth to find and know more of your inmost beauty.

inmost beauty is found in Christ

What He sees

God is the maker of all things visible and invisible. Acknowledged or not he is faithful. The goal of the enemy is to keep you from the truth. To have you believe the lies and philosophies of the world. Therefore, I encourage you to find your identity in love. Know your inmost beauty by letting Christ into your heart. God is beautiful and life itself reflects his glory. A beauty that no man can recreate. Here is a reminder:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”.

Psalm 139: 13-14

That means you are wonderful! If we embrace the beauty within us, only then do we walk in light. Failures don’t define you. Your past don’t define you. Rather, it informs you. Negative thoughts are strongholds that keep the mind entrapped. Rise up to the truth and seek the way of life. “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” Psalm 37:4. Away with the lies of the enemy and being under the control of our emotions. Preferably seek wisdom. It’s extremely delightful. God is Sovereign and he withholds nothing from you. However, lies do!

Taste of True life

Please do not run to the world for joy. I did and its deceptive ways are joy short lived. Offers a false sense of hope, leaving you broken on the other end. I only write to share of the everlasting joy. That comes with overwhelming love and peace that transcends all understanding. By grace it’s available to all. Through a personal relationship with God. Let Jesus reveal the truth of life to you. He is a God that speaks. Don’t settle for the mundane. Hope is always at your door. But, the question is would you answer?

Moreover, there is nothing to lose. If you currently feel like you don’t need a savior, think deeply about that. We are not perfect but can become better each day. A good place to start is by reading the Holy Bible. I recommend starting from the first 4 gospels of the new testament, which outlines the ministry of Christ. Also, know that walking with God is a journey not a destination. We need him everyday. So, you can start where you are today because he is in your now. Let God into your life and watch him transform and renew your soul. There is peace in the name of Jesus. That comes with love, joy, and abundance of heart. Remain blessed 🙏🏾