The Best of Rest

The Best of Rest

It’s almost the end of the year! If you’ve had a hard time or struggled to hold onto the good in life I hope this post moves you closer into a life of peace. Yes, each day is uncertain. However, the choices we make can affect the presence of peace in our lives. That is to live from a place of rest. Which is very dependent on relinquishing control. Rest simply means to cease work in order to relax and recover strength. Good for the physical body. But, how about the soul? I mistook rest for a random event. One I get to experience after incessant toil. Yet, it was never enough. How could it have been? My strive for things was reckless. And no matter the activities (distractions) I partook in my mind was troubled with insecurities.

I know there are reasons for one to worry. But, it doesn’t mean that we should hold on to or be constantly overwhelmed with thoughts. There is no peace in that. It occurred to me that when I was a child under the care of my parents I had no worry whatsoever. The purity in heart of a child is ever so intriguing. This is because children somehow trust/rely on parents to care for their needs as they tend to their education. To live in rest is not to be idle. Rather, it’s giving up false sense of control to focus on what we have in hand. Diligent in that which we’ve been given to manage. Rather than worry about things far beyond our control. Which only leads to discontentment. As evident by my life when I desired the freedom I thought others had.

Is by Grace

So I set off on the race of self. One thing I know is that my desire to be free pushed me further into seeking refuge in lies. What can I say, deception really finds a way to lead one astray. Deep into ignorance, unbelief, doubt, fear, despair, and much more. Stealing the peace of mind, joy, and health from one’s life. Just as Jesus taught in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”. The fullness of life is in Christ. So to speak, rest is to have our life hidden in him. Rooted deep in his love and faithfulness. A save shelter and refuge for all and at all times. Most especially during the difficult seasons and storms we face in life.

The best of rest is God himself. For he is the sustenance of life. He is comforting and by grace we get to experience the riches of this nature and unlimited outpour of love, mercy, and goodness. John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”. This verse is life to me and the love he pours into my heart speaks highly of his promise. Also, the peace he gives as mentioned above transcends understanding. I can’t fully explain it even if I try to. Parents nurture and provide for their kids. So much more will our heavenly Father in whom all things were created do! He is the strength of life and his words are healing. Nothing compares to him!

Joy in Rest

Living from a place of rest is to journey life in happiness. Rest is not a destination and also one cannot enter it by hard work or merit. Rather, it is by grace. The gift of eternal life is far beyond my imagination. Everyday is just beautiful and I can’t help but be in awe of him. His happiness is mine and my joy is indeed complete. What an honor to know of God and to share in the riches of his glory. This mercy I do not deserve.

“For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts, as at Maribah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness”.

Psalm 95-7-8

Today is our now. An outcry to all who are weary and burdened. To enter into a life of peace. To create, relate, and function from a place of rest. Rest is not an intermittent event. Just as I ignorantly thought of in the past. Rather, it was intentionally set apart by God knowing fully well that we will be in need of his rest. Relying on self or others is not enough. There will come a time when our strength fails and we feel defeated. Do not wait for such a time. Seek him and I know he won’t hesitate to light the path of your life. Although circumstances around the world tries to portray the absence of God. He is very much interested in an intimacy with you. Times and seasons change, but his presence in the lives of his people are constant. All you have to do is believe and trust in him.

Living from a place of rest

Faithful Help

No one is exempt from the desire to rest. But, if you are headstrong you rely on self and become overwhelmed with emotions. Which creates more unrest. However, when we live in the rest of God we trust in him for help. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. Ahh this verse can be easily forgotten, but thank God for the Holy Spirit. Recently, I was overwhelmed with emotion. I played every possible scenario in my mind. A moment of fear but the beauty of rest in God is that the Spirit always intercedes. All I had to do was bring my worry to him. Immediately I was at peace and felt light. His grace is ever so sufficient! I also learned that the path he takes me is always of peace. No of panic, worry, or confusion.

Resting in the faithfulness of God is life. There is so much beauty in the person of Jesus. The more I draw near to him the more he is to me. This post is a short story on why he is the best of rest. He shelters the soul and body in alignment with the spirit. Evident by my life from that of strive into the journey of abundance grace. One person to trust is God. He keeps us at perfect peace. Also promises to never forsake nor leave, which he hasn’t and wouldn’t. His rest is eternal. Of which we become one in spirit with him. A life of hope, peace, and everlasting joy. So, wherever you are in life, I encourage you to seek a relationship with Jesus. All along, his rest is what we need to live a fulfilled life. Remain blessed 🙏🏾.