The Good!

The Good!

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Psalm 34:8

Hi guys! I’m starting this post a little different than usual with the verse above. It highlights the purpose of my writing to you today. And as we near the end of the year 2022 it’s only proper to shout praises to God for his doings. Moreso, for his strength through tough challenges in life that appear frightening and overpowering in the moment. But light when placed in the arm of the Lord. I write to share my experience of the good Word. And I hope that it enlightens your heart by the way of love filled by the Spirit of God. For in him we have hope to endure seasons far stretched. Living each day with peace of heart, mind, and inexpressible joy. So, as you read please open your heart to the testimony of truth – the gift of life given to you and I.

Gift of Life

I remember back in January proclaiming that this year would be of goodness. And it was because it’s my best year spiritually. How so? Well I seeked the Lord diligently and the words I write can’t express enough of his goodness. Still, I believe there are greater things to come. Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. The dawn of eternal life. Fervently seeking him revealed more than I could ever imagine. A life of immeasurable joy, peace, mercy, favor, and blessings upon blessings. Rooted in his love for me. And you my friend are not an exception! Growing up I heard the phrase “seek and you shall find” but never truly understood its beauty. The power and freedom given to the one who would say yes to a life of hope.

Life in Christ Jesus, the beauty of prevenient grace. The power of his love calling us back to life. If mankind was left alone we would perish in our own ways. However, that’s not case! Because, he gave everything for us to experience his true essence. Living in the fullness of Christ by faith. A work of beauty purposed by God. The more I delight myself in him the more aware I become of this love that surpasses understanding. No one can earn his love. So, all I did was believe and let him into my heart. Hence, the best decision of my life! Also, know that he longs for you to share in his glory. Christ, our living hope. Out of ignorance in the past I neglected the good for the transient. Yet, his mercy and grace found me.

His Presence

I have never met a person who gives all of himself over and over again. Constantly with no expectation whatsoever. He opened my eyes to his beauty and the generous out pour of his love. That nothing on earth compares to! Most importantly, you don’t have to work for it or be disingenuous since he knows the thought of our hearts. We can never be worthy of him. Yet, we are chosen by this great love that conquers all. I had a lot of changes in my life this year but not for a second was I left alone. When I call for help he is there! His ever loving presence is forever life to me. And it is! Although each day comes with its trouble, nevertheless he is present and quick to remind me of the life I have in him.

Exodus 33:14, “And he said, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” attest to the beauty of the good word of God. Christ in me, the hope of glory. We can’t see God but if we open our hearts to his love, his countenance is upon us. An overwhelming presence that supersedes everything else in life. Living in his presence is to experience the riches of life itself here on earth. Which no one can ever take away from you. His presence is my rest and surely he does not give up on me. I myself won’t on him because my confidence is in his promises. Don’t let the world dictate the life you live. For our highest calling is to be one in spirit with the One true God. A life of victory that unleashes the beauty and greatness within you.

Good Word- sunshine in dark places

Light in the Dark

Also, to be practical I encountered several setbacks this year. At least at the moment that was what I thought of it. However, what I thought to be disappointments, delays, or setbacks was in disguise catapult to my growth. And as I write i’m currently being stretched. The good word in every season is that his presence is with me which is joy to my heart. And he is my light in the dark. Back to my story, it started with things and people removed and taken away one after another. Things I subconsciously valued more in my life over God. Is one thing to accept him as our Savior and also another to surrender over the entirety of our heart. Making him Lord in every aspect of our lives.

Like I said, the change in heart is a matter of choice to give up control to the one who actually is! I was able to do this because I knew he loved me. I prayed for more of him and he answered. Not the way I thought he would. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. I didn’t understand his “thought of peace” at my times of unrest as things were taken away from me. Yet, he was patient with me and walked me through as his ways are always higher than ours. Better and greater even if I couldn’t see at the time. And, as I thanked him for one thing there he goes doing another marvelous thing. So much kindness and compassion.

Good Word

There is so much to tell but I will have to share more on my next post. More of his faithfulness and promises. No matter how fearful I was at the time, the presence of God was stronger. When we delight in the Lord, his love works in us. He is trustworthy and will do mighty works in your life. I testify of his goodness as he is continuously at work in me. Also, the things I valued and regarded as safety/stability are insignificant compared to what I gained. Christ, my everlasting hope. The good news of Jesus means nothing to a person with a closed heart. By the way, what do you have to lose anyways? We give our hearts to people and things that don’t love us back. In neglect to the good Word which is everything!

No matter where you are currently in life his love is for you. Dive deeper! Don’t let your own understanding be the reason you limit the taste of the good life. Shelter and take refuge in him for he is awesome! This is coming from a girl who was hopeless. I didn’t know my left from right as I tried to find my way in the dark and was overburdened. Separated from God, with no hope in the world. I relied on self for strength but I can’t save myself. Neither can you. However, the good news is we don’t have to survive, but can surely live! Let him be the Savior and Lord of your life as you rest in his faithfulness. The choice is yours. I’m so thankful to God for his grace and truth in the world. I hope this brings you hope. Have a great christmas! Remain blessed 🙏🏾.