Better Than I Deserve

Better Than I Deserve

Happy new month! Each day we live is by the grace of God. Grace far better than I deserve. His mercy ever present each morning. Even when I was blind to the truth. The truth that transforms the mind in accordance to the will of God. I acknowledge that it’s impossible to know all of him. However, I am certain of his love and compassion in my life. And I know he loves you just as much even in your unbelieve. In the past, I viewed intellect as the means to know right from wrong. Which is outright foolishness. Because it’s written in the scriptures that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proven as we turn our ears to wisdom. Only then is one able to discern what is morally right and just.

the way of truth better than we deserve

The way to Better

How does one find knowledge of God? It all begins with humility. Humility is simply defined as a modest view of one’s own importance. To be humble is to be teachable. A virtue exemplified by Christ throughout his ministry. God in his glory and power became less in the image of man. Vulnerable as a baby and cared for by human parents. Isaiah 53: 2-3 says, “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”. He humbled himself in love for you and I and in obedience to the Father. One of his notable teachings is that whoever wants to be first amongst us shall be last. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.

In other words, greatness is expressed through servanthood. To be great is to become less in love for others. Which is possible when we walk the path of humility. And not the way of an obstinate person who gets to learn life the hard way. I don’t consider myself better or wiser than anyone. Rather, I find my joy complete in sharing of the freedom found in wisdom. Given freely to all that so desires. In order to avoid being swayed by human teachings and standards proclaimed by various false practices in the world. Yet, none of them guarantees love, peace, and overflowing joy beyond understanding. Far deeper than man can fathom. And far much better than I deserve.

Undeserved Favor

When you think of the phrase “better than I deserve” what comes to mind? As for me, it means I did nothing to earn the favor that I constantly receive. The favor of God given to all irrespective of their status or position. Psalm 145:9, “The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made”. He cares for every single person and loves beyond what we deserve. He offers a life of freedom. A life to share in his glory and to be whole in him. A life of peace which cannot be removed regardless of seasons. Living to the fullness of one’s true identity. That’s the life I desire. Do you?

My journey hasn’t always been in the light. I was once ignorant. Because I believed in religion rather than in God. Religion is a systemic belief made by man on account of the nature of God. Hence, this is a testimony of hope to anyone living in doubt or despair. James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”. There is more to life than what we see. More to the name of Jesus. The One true God. A name commonly mentioned. Yet, a lot are blind to his love that stretches farther than the sea. When we let God into our hearts, we practice religion by loving one another.

better than I deserve. The sweet love of Christ

How We Relate

The universe is a reflection of God’s glory. Therefore everything was created to be in a relationship with him. Land, sea, and sky creatures all relate respectively with him and each other. Each day of your lives is a relationship with God. Aware or unaware we live and breathe because of him. God desires a relationship with all he has made. In Ecclesiastes 7:29, “This only I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes”. When we choose to separate ourselves from him, we play the role of god. Which is extremely impossible hence the overwhelming feeling of heartaches. The diverse schemes and philosophies keeps one away from the truth of life. So, whosoever has ears let them hear and turn their hearts to love.

1st John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us”. Concise words of life. Of love offered in humility and persevered in suffering. In Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us“. While we were blind, naked, and deaf to the truth. He died and continues to intercedes for us to the Father. Do not settle for the mundane. Do not struggle to survive when you ought to be living. Christ conquered the world so that we can live through him. There is hope in Jesus. At the very least take my life as an example. A life of despair to hope. I don’t deserve his love, but it’s far much better than walking around dead. The choice is yours to live.

Final Words

The only way to truly discern is to turn to wisdom. Gracefully offered to all humble in heart. Rather than relying on your basic instinct turn your ears to the truth. Don’t let what you’ve heard or “know” about God keep you from the reality in Christ Jesus. Also, if you really want to know a person you go straight to them to avoid hearsay. Yes, God is invisible but we have the Holy Bible. Spirit breathed with words of life sharper that two-edged sword. Moreso, he is a God that speaks. The question is are you too distracted to listen? The presence of God is vital both in our present and eternal life. Don’t hinder yourselves from receiving the gift of life which is far better than what we deserve.

No one has seen God but his love lives in us. That’s the life we are called to live. A life from self to that of service. A life of generosity. Loving others even when we think they are undeserving. So, position yourself to receive his supernatural love. Do not wait till you hit a rough patch to turn to him. Save yourself the heartaches. Save your soul from the wrath of God which is to come. Seek wisdom for her path would graciously keep you from darkness. It is a thing of beauty to know God and it’s extremely delightful. That I know! He gives joy, peace, and fulfilment of heart far better than we deserve. Far better than the world could. I pray for peace in all your you do. Remain Blessed 🙏🏾.