How to Unlearn Old Habits

How to Unlearn Old Habits

Hi Beautiful! I’m glad to be back to you blogging. If you are just joining, make sure to check out last weeks post on journey in happiness. A snapshot on why I blog. So, I ask myself. Where do I start? There are so many highlights in my life. However, my first sound thought as a child comes to mind. What was my first thought? Where was I? Who and what influenced my thinking? There are no childhood videos to replay. One that gives an insight on my reasoning. Which I find to be a mystery. However, I know culture shaped my life. Both positively and negatively. So, how do I unlearn old habits? The ones I repeat and accept to be true.

How to unlearn old habits through thinking like a child

In order to know, I have to think like a child. Will thinking take away some adult responsibilities? 😁. To know more about child maturity age, click here. I was an inquisitive child. Eager to learn, yet unable to discern right from wrong. When I was a child, I talked, thought, reasoned, and acted like a child. At a point, I became an adult and put the ways of childhood behind me. But, I didn’t unlearn the old habits. So as an adult, I was in so much conflict. I was defensive and easily angered. Robbed myself of peace and joy. What I deemed right was based on my values. But, in my weakness lies hope.

Just Like a Child

And just like a child, I humbly seek to unlearn all patterns. Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Do not be hindered in your thought or mind. Come to the source of life and be filled with heavenly wisdom and understanding. The way higher than that of man. Be rooted on the word of truth. Then, you will no longer be an infant tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching, cunning, and craftiness of people in their deceitful schemes (Ephesians 4:14). Living on the principles of God is fun, easy, and stress free!

I know exposure to other cultures create a broad knowledge. And, it’s important to honor our cultural diversity. The beauty of life lies in our differences. However, the difference seems to tear us apart. Also, I questioned the meaning of life? Why are we created? Why do we laugh, cry, suffer, and die? These are some of the questions that can only be answered by Faith. Faith on the true word of God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1). The Word is the true breath of life, who in His unending love created a way for all mankind. A hope for all when culture, values, and science seems to fail.

Awakening the Truth in You

The truth on how to unlearn old habits

So, how do we begin to unlearn old habits and years of societal influence. You don’t! Haha, I know that sounds counterintuitive. Like I stated above, come just like a child. when I began to align my life with the word of truth, hope came alive. John 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father except through me.” A call to relationship. My whole life I believed in God, but was far from the truth. Which is living in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Who is the son of God. I know you have doubts, I do too. I can’t understand why the world is full of evil. The thought alone paralyzes the mind. But remember, doubt creates deception from the truth.

Truth that brings life and that life is the light for all mankind. A light that breaks all stronghold as you sit back and watch. Like a mom nurses her child with warm embrace, God does better! A relationship I always want to be entangled in. As a child, religion was made known to me. I was self righteous, empty, selfish, angry, aggressive, lustful, and unkind. No one is to blame but ignorance. This is why I write in hopes to share my journey in truth. The truth that overcomes all learned habits with love and kindness. No one is perfect, but we can be better. In living with love for one another. How do we learn to love? By allowing the love of God fuel our heart. Hence, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Make room in your heart and let Him love you like no one ever will 🖤.